Song of Sophia Living School of Divine Nature
Dreams of mermaid memories. Remembrances of Lemurian lifetimes. Deep healing through plant medicine. These are some of the threads that led me to the Song of Sophia Living School of…
Dreams of mermaid memories. Remembrances of Lemurian lifetimes. Deep healing through plant medicine. These are some of the threads that led me to the Song of Sophia Living School of…
How to Choose Love and Connection Over Fear and Division I asked the Akashic Records, "How can humanity overcome our current struggles with polarization of all issues and of cancel…
How to Stop Compromising Your Inner Peace for the Illusion of Outer Peace I asked the Akashic Records, "How can people create their own peace and balance in their lives?"…
How to Navigate Frustrating Interactions in a Healthier Way I strongly dislike arguing. I'm a lover, not a fighter! If I could only have peaceful yet productive, co-collaborative conversations,…
Everything is connected and connection is everything. We are all one planet, one species, one human race. Our interconnectedness, or oneness, is undeniable. To deny it is to destroy ourselves.…
Expand Your Consciousness Zoom out and see the bigger picture. Allow yourself to begin awakening. Expand your consciousness to a perspective of connection. We are all connected. We are all…
Less Gossip, More Meaningful Talks Spend less time talking about other people behind their backs. Stop using gossip as a means to connect with the people you’re gossiping with. Gossip…
Expand Your Awareness Zoom out. Expand your awareness to a perspective of connection. We are all connected. We are all one planet, one species, one human race. Our interconnectedness, or…
Choose Peace, Love, & Unity You have a choice in every moment. You have a choice during every interaction. True power cannot be found through domination, but through connection. Everything…
Communicating with Your Healerite Sure, lists of crystal properties can be helpful—but if you already have Healerite, I encourage you spend some time with your crystal before you read the…
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